Source code for ProDebug

Try out these images ..

You can try out these images
You will need atleast two floppies
The debugger img is ProDebug (v0.1.0.0)
and the accompanying Test Program.You can also try this testprogram , this one uses system calls :TestProgram 2.
Burn them to a floppy disk like this :
First unzip them like this : 'gunzip testprog_img' and 'gunzip debugger_img'
Burn them to a floppy disk like this :
dd of=/dev/fd0 bs=1 if=debugger_img
dd of=/dev/fd0 bs=1 if=testprog_img

Source code

Version 1.0.0

Download it here

Extensive modification of the earlier versions , all the program memory is loaded in the LDT. Also this thing supports many new features .Also supports scrolling.

Version 0.03

The usage notes and documentation is included within as a README file
Download it here

This version supports displaying of the gdt table , setting registers to new values,and ability to handle user mode faults .It does not support system calls as yet.

Version 0.02

The usage notes and documentation is included within as a README file
Download it here

This supports debugging using breakpoints and the intel 386's debug registers.

Version 0.01

The usage notes and documentation is included within as a README file
Download it here


For your convienence , the readme for the latest version can be read online here